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Year 7

Group 1

Group 3



In Religion this year, we have studied the topic Stewards of Creation, where we talk about our environment and how it's changing. As individuals, we have to take initiative in changing our world sustainably and positively.


In our study we had a focus on the Church document, the Laudato Si’. We focused on different topics impacting our environment such as the loss of biodiversity, pollution, the issue of water and climate change. This document is a message from Pope Francis to take care of our home before it is too late. 


One of the highlights of our learning, as Newman students, was creating presentations that looked at an issue here at the College. We looked at issues around recycling, the overuse of paper, our need for a veggie patch and a compost system.  This helped challenge our learning as we can implement more solutions that are sustainable, cheap and effective, which means that we will be able to save money and make the school more efficient and sustainable. 


This unit has shown us that we need to start becoming great stewards of God’s creation so we will be able to be great individuals who care for our environment for our future as well as for future generations.

Group 2

Group 4

Year 8


Saint Mary Mackillop Panel 

Here today Ali who is the chairman will be discussing why we as the board have decided to vote in Saint Mary Mackillop as the Saint of the Century. He will state the reasons as to why we believe she is the best candidate for the award. After this speech, the board will be accepting questions from the journalists as to why certain other saints did not win. Our 6 experts will do their best to explain why that specific saint was not chosen and as to
why we chose Saint Mary Mackillop.

Year 9



Exploring Religious Sacraments in the College Chapel. 

Year 10



A deep dive into the Church’s teaching on contemporary ethical issues. 

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